I’ve taken the ISideWith quiz before with similar results, but that time I basically zipped through it and this time […]
International Blasphemy Rights Day
https://www.facebook.com/events/440034722701608/ Blasphemy. Noun: The act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk. In other words, […]
Enjoy family life…with parrots
Yesterday some Jehovah’s Witnesses came to the door. I was not available, but fortunately they left a pamphlet curled under […]
Thoughts on the Kate Middleton topless photos thing
She should show up at the next public appearance buck naked. So should William, holding her hand.
Skepticon 5
So, I’m going. Registered, got a hotel room, time off work scheduled, etc. Haven’t been since 2010, and I’m sure […]
A man of jeans
At Dispatches, Ed mocks Washington Post writer Jennifer Rubin for being aghast at an image of Barack Obama sitting on […]
Ew, gross, ban that
Recently I finished listening to Jesse Bering’s book Why is the Penis Shaped Like That? And Other Reflections on Being […]
Atheism Minus
…is my term for the collective group of idiots who contributed to Jen McCreight deciding that blogging is no longer […]
Belaboring the obvious
Just a follow-up thought on my last post– you know, even if everyone’s personality matched their appearance exactly, and all […]