Previously I knew Pamela Geller as a “creeping Sharia” proponent, the kind of person who makes a living off making […]
What Rush hath wrought
On the Daily Show clip in my previous post, Jon Stewart begins (after introducing the show) by noting that Rush […]
Here’s Rachel Maddow yesterday…
…demonstrating why dummies are more dangerous than dicks: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
You want the blue pill; we’ll pay for it. You want the red pill; Rush Limbaugh owns your sex life.
In Limbaugh Land, consumption of these isdetermined not by time but by sluttiness. I’m a big believer– and try to […]
The wife. The boy.
One of the stories I mentioned yesterday was Feministe’s take on a recent…err, presentation given by Virginia Delegate David Albo […]
Why serial cheating beats open marriage
…according to Newt Gingrich: because anything other than one man and one woman is pagan. Seriously: It’s pretty simple: marriage […]
Gingrich’s serial cheating would make him a strong president…wait, what?
Cheating for America– not on it! The fact that Newt Gingrich is running for president, and actually has supporters for that […]
Bachmann does bioethics
Pictured: a human whose dignity is highly questionable Said Michele Bachmann to members of Personhood USA on Tuesday night: I […]
The daughter test, in Egypt
From the Huffington Post’s list of 2011’s Most Absurd Quotes About Women– And Who Said Them: An anonymous Egyptian general […]
IIWAPBK and Privilege 101
I think Gene Marks has now been thoroughly excoriated for his column “If I Were a Poor Black Kid” on the Forbes web […]