Generative AI isn’t supposed to have opinions. Not unless it’s playing a character or adopting a persona for us to […]
Speaking of not valuing women
[View the story “As if to prove me right…” on Storify]
Internet antipathy, part 2….thousand
So, one of the people I was most looking forward to seeing (and talking with, if I could come up […]
Digital dualism enables internet idiocy; monism motivates meaning
First things first– if you haven’t already, go over to technosociology and read Zeynep Tufekci’s excellent post Free Speech and […]
Internet antipathy
So much of what happens on the internet is petty squabbles between strangers. Arguments which flare up and then fade […]
Tragedy and the ongoing internet circus
The Onion has a really good piece regarding Friday morning’s shootings in Aurora: Sadly, Nation Knows Exactly How Colorado Shooting’s […]
How to cash in on internet guilt giving
Note: In case, for some reason, it isn’t clear that I am not trying to disparage any of the people […]
The straw man boxing match
I love Penn Jillette. I do, very much. But he does tend to carry the denouncement of prudes and blowhards […]
The power of “Not cool”
“Dude, we don’t want to see that shit. Here, have a sip ofDouche-Be-Gone so you’ll stop being so…you know.” Concerning […]
Reddit makes Rebecca hate atheists and Ed hate men
Reddit thread here, if you’re interested These discussions, while useful, take a toll. Sometimes they just seem…tiring. I admire people […]