The ever-controversial American Atheists have erected billboards in Paterson, New Jersey (large Muslim population) and Brooklyn, New York (large Jewish […]
The last I hope to say on this is…
…That you really should go read Ken at Popehat’s entire commentary on the discourse regarding Limbaugh/Fluke. I have nothing to […]
Why no women? Well…
Byron York at the Washington Examiner reports that Sandra Fluke’s testimony for the Democratic Steering Committee and the necessity for […]
Weekend web readin’
From Amnesty International News, Amnesty International Urges Stricter Limits on Police Taser Use As U.S. Death Toll Reaches 500 Money […]
Marks of the cross that don’t rub off
Tattoo representing the Fourth Station: Jesusmeeting his mother As mentioned previously, I’m a tattooed person. Not heavily so, but I’ve […]
“I’m sorry I did what I clearly meant to do and don’t regret in the slightest”
Rush Limbaugh issued a double backflip notpology today for his slut/prostitute/sex tape remarks about Sandra Fluke, saying first that he […]
Here’s Rachel Maddow yesterday…
…demonstrating why dummies are more dangerous than dicks: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
…and then there was “skank.”
Georgetown University’s president, John J. DeGioia, repudiated Rush Limbaugh’s slut/prostitute/sex tape diatribe today by not exactly endorsing Sandra Fluke’s message, […]
You want the blue pill; we’ll pay for it. You want the red pill; Rush Limbaugh owns your sex life.
In Limbaugh Land, consumption of these isdetermined not by time but by sluttiness. I’m a big believer– and try to […]
On perspective– general versus specific
I write a lot about very particular things that have happened, and then try to extrapolate a larger significance. This […]