Yep, I’m going to make the comparison. But perhaps not how you think. I am not talking about this: Is […]
Defenders of male imagery in gaming strike back
So, some of the people who took exception (let’s call it that) to Anita Sarkeesian’s “Tropes vs. Women” Kickstarter project— […]
“You don’t think you can beat her without a cheat code.”
Jay Smooth on the whole tropes vs. women thing:
Sexist trolls, meet Streisand Effect
Not the kind of video game trollI’m talking about It’s now nearly the end of the funding period for Anita […]
To summon sexism, one need only speak its name
Sexism really is like the devil. If you have any doubts about its existence, you need only mention it and […]
Q: Who whines more than a feminist?
Ji Firepaw: Reformed cad A: Why, whiners whining about feminists, of course! 1. A calm, well reasoned but pointed piece […]
Weekend web readin’, special edition: religion in video games
From Game Front, Questionable Religious Content Money quote: The game industry as a whole sends a really ridiculous message when […]
Cultural relativism in gaming
Here you go: Biodork comments: The specific subject that MovieBob talks about is an incident involving a man named Aris […]
Tony Perkins fears the crossing of light sabers
“Give yourself to the Dark Side…yes,your thoughts betray you.” From Opposing Views: On his daily radio broadcast, Family Research Council […]
Nothing is worse than a princess who wants to hang out with you
On the “women in video games” front, science fiction author John Scalzi retweeted the following comment today: Naturally, I was […]