…ban all ads relating to religion. Well, that’s one way of going about things. I suppose this could be called […]
childfree, civil rights, LGBT, politics
The ecological morality of breeding….or not.
This and the other card can be found here. When I saw Reason magazine tweet about an article entitled “Are […]
atheism, Christianity, politics
An exercise in getting the last word
So now a Christian group in Fort Worth has hired a “mobile billboard” truck to follow around the buses with […]
atheism, Christianity, politics, religion
Another atheist bus ad controversy…
…this time in my neighborhood. Well, not my immediate neighborhood, as the Dallas transit authority has refused these ads. But […]
politics, religion
God doesn’t like shopping on Sundays
From CBC News: A debate over Sunday shopping has led P.E.I.’s transportation minister to suggest God had struck down the […]
empathy, politics, psychology
The trickiness of characterizing empathy in politics, part 1
So as mentioned, I’m working my way through Frans de Waal’s book The Age of Empathy. On my drive I […]
Tea Party leaders v. O’Donnell the fire-breather
Last night I couldn’t get to sleep right away, and stayed up watching Lawrence O’Donnell eviscerate some Tea Party leaders […]