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…and then there was “skank.”
Georgetown University’s president, John J. DeGioia, repudiated Rush Limbaugh’s slut/prostitute/sex tape diatribe today by not exactly endorsing Sandra Fluke’s message, […]
You want the blue pill; we’ll pay for it. You want the red pill; Rush Limbaugh owns your sex life.
In Limbaugh Land, consumption of these isdetermined not by time but by sluttiness. I’m a big believer– and try to […]
On perspective– general versus specific
I write a lot about very particular things that have happened, and then try to extrapolate a larger significance. This […]
Two very bad ideas
1. Inflicting an enormous judicial penalty on someone because what would otherwise be counted as harassment a) resulted in a […]
Defending the female fuck-up
I really have no place writing this, considering that I have been anything but an avid consumer of new films […]
The wife. The boy.
One of the stories I mentioned yesterday was Feministe’s take on a recent…err, presentation given by Virginia Delegate David Albo […]
Weekend web readin’
From The Agitator, Puppycide Money quote: A New Mexico woman called the state police to report that she had been the victim […]
Shopping at Penney’s has not made me a lesbian
Sure, this is anecdotal evidence, but take it for what it’s worth. I like to buy jeans at J.C. Penney. […]
Tempest in a cookie box
Because a seven year old transgender child tried to be involved in a Girl Scout troop in Colorado, a national […]