Generative AI isn’t supposed to have opinions. Not unless it’s playing a character or adopting a persona for us to […]
Editorial Cartooning as Visual Storytelling
Political cartoons illustrate the cultural zeitgeist– literally– while also offering critical commentary on it. An editorial cartoonist has a vast […]
Happy not to be on that team
I can’t help wondering if, after having established his character Dilbert as the office Everyman, Scott Adams has somehow welded […]
It’s my Grand Old Party and I’ll lie if I want to (even if it leads to terrorism)
The claim that abortion is baby-murder hasn’t worked. More Americans are now pro-choice than pro-life. Most Americans also support the […]
In the virtue stakes, reverence leaves empathy at the starting line
In France, individual citizens run a satirical magazine, the Charlie Hebdo, which publishes cartoons making fun of Muhammad among countless […]
The rich and the poor alike are forbidden to stand on dogs
On New Year’s Day, a group of photos showed up in my Facebook news feed. It turned out to be […]
Things you might not want to say about hot car deaths
I live in Wichita, Kansas. Kansas is a place of extreme temperatures– it can get bitterly cold in the winter, […]
Sex without fear
“Consequence” is one of those words that has taken on a connotation of the negative, even though the denotation does […]
Rambling diatribe about atheism, politics, and the word “secular”
I don’t know American Atheists president David Silverman, but he strikes me as kind of a brash guy. The kind […]