Terry Jones is on trial this morning by a Michigan jury which is going to decide whether or not he […]
politics, race
What color is the skin in your world?
I realize that I could dedicate this entire blog to making fun of stupid things on Fox and Friends and have more than […]
politics, sexuality, silly
It’s as if they’re trying to give Colbert material…
Colbert has been tweeting all sorts of non-factual statements about Kyl today. A sampling: Jon Kyl calls the underside of […]
freedom of speech, Islam, politics, religion
Will you quit making it about freedom of speech?
No, I won’t. Not when people in positions of power to do so, such as Senators Harry Reid and Lindsey […]
politics, religion, Texas
“A secular atheist country…dominated by radical Islamists”
Doesn’t care about the difference between a secular nationand a Muslim theocracy, and you shouldn’t either. That’s what Newt Gingrich […]
food, politics, sustainability
Why should we care where Sarah Palin got her bunny (and how many shots it took)?
The designated Badass Quote of the Day for today over on Dispatches is from Jason Easley at Politics USA: Sarah […]
freedom of speech, politics, religion
“Freedom for me, but not for thee” of the day
From the American Family Association’s spokesman, Bryan Fischer: Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that […]