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What color is the skin in your world?

I realize that I could dedicate this entire blog to making fun of stupid things on Fox and Friends and have more than enough material every day. I don’t want to do that, because a) there are other things to talk about, and b) doing so would require actually watching more Fox and Friends. So I’m going to comment on this and then leave them alone for a while:

Yes, apparently there is a problem with the fact that Crayola offers a marker set which includes colors intended to represent the skin tones of different races.  Because the word “multicultural” is right there on the box, someone like Michelle Malkin (who acknowledges that her own skin is not the “peach” color that was formerly called “flesh” and had to use burnt sienna as a child instead) can accuse Crayola of “pandering to liberal parents.” Because the only people who would like to represent different skin tones accurately are liberals. And they do it out of PC guilt. Steve Doocy points out that when he was a kid he had to draw himself in yellow, which made him look like “that jaundiced guy from Kansas” (what?) and Malkin replies that in spite of all that, “we survived.”

Well, yes Michelle…you did. I’m pretty sure you would have survived just fine without any crayons or markers at all. If you wanted to create an image of something, by golly you could just use a pencil, chalk, pen, or lipstick stolen from Mom and you’d like it. Or hell, scratching in the dirt should be good enough. Actual mark-making utensils are for liberal pansies. They’re the only ones who would want to do something sissy like sit around and draw anyway.

I half-hope that some kid who worships Michelle Malkin (yes, that’s a stretch) decides to draw a picture of her and send it in, having used these markers because he/she wanted to make sure and get the color of her skin as accurate as possible. What would she do– toss the thing out? Pretend it doesn’t exist?  Assume a conspiracy?  An 8 pack can be purchased from Amazon for $5.99. Here’s my favorite user review, and note that it’s from 2006:

1 thought on “What color is the skin in your world?”

  1. These days it seems that the term PC is most often used to squash genuine conversation about bias and even outright bigotry. It's like saying: "I refuse to think about this and everyone else should refuse to think about this, but I'm right."

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