To design is to create something by making deliberative choices regarding the structure, function, and interactive experience of that thing.

An unconscious designer is someone who makes these choices without reflecting on them, perhaps not even realizing that they are making choices.

Let’s all strive to be conscious designers, then, because the purpose of design is to have an impact. It’s up to us to determine what that impact will be.

Gretchen Koch, Designer and Owner of Giant If

I chose the name Giant If for this site to convey unfettered possibility, imagination without constraints. A “big if” is an occurrence that is unlikely, but still possible. For example, you might say that you’ll go to law school if you do well on the LSAT, but doing well on the LSAT is a “big if.” A giant if, on the other hand, might be saying that you’ll go to law school if you perform better on the LSAT than anyone has ever done. Hey, it’s possible it could happen– what if it did?

Considering unlikely scenarios enables brainstorming, creative thinking, and critical analysis. Entertaining counterfactuals, hypotheticals, makes it possible to solve problems. To plan, conceive, fantasize, ideate, invent. Our minds can reach the great ideas by seeking the impossible ideas, or at least the near-impossible ideas.

But in all of the worries and stress of the day-to-day, this is so easy to forget. Giant If is, therefore, intended to be a reminder.